Tag Archives: sexual prejudice

Forget talent, its all about jewellery!

28 Mar

Analysis 1

Product:  Abaran (Timeless Jewellery)

Found on: Jet Wings, Page 97 (March 2012)

A confident woman in western business formal is shown shaking hands with a man who is also dressed formally. The woman is shown wearing a platinum necklace. On the right, the necklace has been featured to give more details. The total image is that of a confident successful woman wearing the advertised platinum jewellery.

The copy reads “One more reason for your client to shake your hand.” This copy easily states that the success of the women is largely because of the advertised jewellery. It negates the professional attitude, skills and talent she may have. The complete ad gives the inference that a woman can be successful only if she looks beautiful by wearing jewellery. Also, the copy has sexual undertones. The woman is shown shaking hands with a male client. What is “one more reason” that he is shaking hands? Is he attracted to the woman who is wearing such charming jewellery? But surely, that is highly unethical on his part!

The advertisement is quite ironical. On a single glance, it appears to promote working woman. However, deeper understanding shows that it has completely undermined the success of the woman and reduced her to a sex object that can attract clients. The ad has cultural aspects too. Indians regard jewellery as an important accessory without which no “sringar” is complete. By adding jewellery as a major factor in the woman’s success, the ad brings back a societal attitude on what constitutes complete beauty that will attract a client (or a potential suitor). No mention of her aptitude, power or proficiency anywhere!